Tracing Mississippi

Tracing Mississippi

Concerto for Flute and Orchestra - 30'
Commissioned by Christine Bailey Davis, Principal Flute of Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra.
Solo Fl.; 3(Afl./Pic./Pic.) 3(E.H.) 3(Ebcl./Bcl.) 3(Cbsn.) - 5 3 3 1; Timp. 3Perc. Pno. Hp. Str.
Premiered February 18, 2002

Mississippi was the original homeland of the Chickasaw Nation until our removal to Indian Territory (now called Oklahoma) in the 1830's. This removal involved numerous tribes from the Southeastern United States. Tracing Mississippi is a remembrance of the old country my family lived in and incorporates traditional songs and dance rhythms, along with American Indian percussion instruments. In particular, the Chickasaw Garfish Dance song is quoted by the opening flute solo.

The Choctaw hymn, entitled Worth of the Soul, is quoted by the horn quartet during the final build of the first section (Taloowa'). Specific rhythms throughout the work are derived from Southeast Indian and other American Indian sources. Also included is an original melody by my Comanche colleague and dear friend, pianist and composer, Dr. David Bad Eagle Yeagley. This melody appears in the third section (Shilombish Anompoli'), played by the solo flute in trio with the piccolo trumpet playing the Choctaw hymn, and the vibraphone and crotales playing a segment of the Garfish Dance song. The Comanche melody is an expression of the beautiful, mournful and distant voice of the Moon. The concerto is a continuous work in four sections:

Taloowa' (Song)

Missipi' Aabi (Tracing Mississippi)

Shilombish Anompoli' (Talking Spirits)

Hashi' Hiloha (Sun Thunder)

Tracing Mississippi was recorded by the San Francisco Symphony and San Francisco Symphony Chorus and is available on the Grammy Award winning label Azica Records. It is dedicated to my grandmother, Juanita Foshi' Keel Tate.

“Tate has an uncanny ability to synthesize his nationalistic ideas into his musical language…he has clearly taken the Western musical tradition and found a compelling voice that integrates his native […]

– Sequenza21
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